执行董事Stephanie Mitchell离开律师

Stephanie Mitchell, who steered Lawndale through six years and one pandemic, is leaving the contemporary arts center this summer.

Lawndale艺术中心和Xandra Eden执行董事和Xandra Eden执行董事和多元化的首席策展人的斯蒂芬妮·米切尔有重大计划。照片:Marie D. de耶稣/员工


董事会主席Meghan Miller在“实施新的战略和艺术方向”,提高拟法展览的展览,艺术家工作室计划和设施,改造董事会和加强律师的财务状况。“


"Under Mitchell’s leadership and artistic direction, Lawndale has flourished as a dynamic and vital artistic hub showcasing local, regional and national talent with a curatorial program emphasizing innovative artistic practices and under-represented artists and cultural communities. Over the past several years, Lawndale has served as platform for emerging and established artists such as Olaniyi Akindiya (Akirash), Regina Agu, Antonius Tin Bui, Ryan Hawk, Saúl Hernández-Vargas, Tierney Malone, Lynn Randolph, Gerardo Rosales, Marcelyn McNeil and Virginia Lee Montgomery. In addition, Lawndale has presented thematic exhibitions such as Between Love & Madness: Mexican Comic Art from the 1970s and the regional presentation of Axis Mundo: Queer Networks in Chicano L.A. and produced performances by artists such as Jandek, Randi Long, Helen Money, Jawwaad Taylor and Jamire Williams. Mitchell has also leveraged the expertise of Lawndale’s Advisory Board to establish long-term collaborations with Nameless Sound, Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literary and Fine Arts, The Unsung Masters Series and Artadia as well as launch several new artistic and community initiatives, including the SPEAKEASY music and performance series, The Sankofa Project and the Lawndale Lending Library. As a result of these efforts, Lawndale’s audience has not only doubled over the last 5 years but also diversified to better reflect the demographics of the Greater Houston area."


为此,米切尔为劳登代尔监督了一个特别困难的一年,因为大流行而被关闭。但该中心已经忍受了今年即将发布的展品的石板。新展览“矿山矿山”,2月6日,展示了Lawndale艺术家工作室居民的参与者的作品。特色艺术家因大流行而延长他们的居民。律师现在正在提交它的大秀。Cecilia Fajardo-Hill将在3月1日为展览中选择作品,该展览会于6月19日开放。





律师总是自由。由于与科夫德相关的限制,Lawndale的画廊在周四的预约开放 - 周六从上午11点至下午5点到下午5点,提供有限的行走。

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