尼尔·德格拉斯·泰森(Neil deGrasse Tyson)本可以凭借他对地球运行和周围环境的深刻了解,以一种史诗般的、广阔的方式,成就一番事业,一举成名。但他也淡化了这种理解。当别人对你说“你好,泰森博士吗?”在电话里,他回答说:“不,不,请……尼尔。”
A:嗯,我对发生的事情没有深刻的了解。只是短暂的想法。但在我看来,文化中一直存在着对科学持否定态度的人。总有人认为科学不是一条正确的道路。所以我认为这并不新鲜。新的是它的可见性。而社交媒体助长了这一趋势。如果你有一个疯狂的想法——比如说,地球是平的——人们过去常常在鸡尾酒会上对此窃笑。“厄尼就是厄尼。”现在有人在网络搜索中输入这个词,他们就会找到和你有同样想法的人。 People think, “Ernie’s onto something!” They use results of a Google search as evidence of authenticity of a belief. That’s pernicious. And we have a lot of that today. Some of it percolates to people who have power over other people, like the basketball player Kyrie Irving, who is a flat-earther. And that’s OK, you can still be a great basketball player if you’re a flat-earther. But you don’t want people like that to be the head of NASA. It’s a free country, so you don’t have to hit people on the head for believing crazy things. But when they gain power and control of others, there’s an unraveling of an informed democracy. Those who don’t want deep understanding or analysis, that concerns me. So what I try to do is empower people to think differently about the world. Rather than hitting them over the head, because when did that ever work, right?
A:(笑)。最好是问:“你考虑过这个事实或那个想法吗?”这是一个例子。每次水星逆行的时候,都会有一整个社区的人关心。他们真的担心的。它一年发生了几次,通常足够的事情,当出现问题时,它变成了责备事物的事情。这很方便。但考虑以下事实:创建“逆行”以描述行星在天空中向后移动的这种现象。消化一下。我们等待日子等待,看到行星移动。并且移动减慢了,并向后退了一段时间,然后再次前进。这是一些怪异的东西。但如果你认为你在宇宙的中心,这只是怪异。(笑。)你必须在宇宙的中心,为这是一个词:逆行。 Nothing moves backwards. We’re all moving around the sun. Mercury is closest to the sun. It completes its orbit faster than we do. So sometimes it moves to the right, sometimes to the left of the sun. It’s like being at a bus station or a train station. You look out the window to an adjacent train car or bus, and you think they’re moving backwards. No, you’re moving forward. We’re not the center of everything. So we have this vocabulary left over from the geocentric era. I don’t mind that. I don’t mind having words for things given that the meaning is so outdated in a modern time. But if you want to still believe that, why not just get into a time machine and go back 2,000 years ago where you belong. That sounds mean-spirited — an educator shouldn’t say that. But I should say that shouldn’t come into a classroom where people come to learn.
A:是的,我们的词汇仍然包括日出和日落。我不会说,“这是地球旋转到太阳越过地平线的位置的时间。”我不介意语言中嵌入一些历史。但这种心态不应该继续向前发展。这就是我做这些讲座的原因。每个月我都被邀请去城市演讲。我给他们一个主题列表,也许有15个可能的主题。主持人选择我要说什么。在休斯顿,它被称为“天文学奇葩”。他们选择。 In this talk, I’ll address the weirdest, wackiest, mind-bending, mind-expanding things in the universe: worm holes, black holes, multiverses. Are we in a simulation? Stuff where when you go home you won’t be able to sleep. I lose sleep thinking about them. I want you to lose sleep, too. (Laughs.) But here’s my point: These talks attract thousands of people, and to me, that’s a healthy reminder that people do have a soft geek underbelly. (Laughs.) Maybe it’s a curiosity from childhood. Or some ember of curiosity from when we used to wonder. I try to find ways to fan those embers. To reignite those flames because it becomes a fun and exciting way to spend a weekday night. And I never take that lightly. Especially in Houston, because NASA is a feature of Houston. It’s not just something you dig up and learn about there. In Houston, you知道关于它。宇航员住在那里。所以我参观休斯顿的场合,我喜欢加强人们从来没有考虑过你的后院里的美国宇航局。
问:我希望这个问题有意义。我听到批评,科学没有所有答案,这显然没有。但我们的文化从一个系统中传动,信仰是信仰的信仰是肯定的。您的活动此处提到“COSMIC QUANCARIES”......您是否觉得信仰和科学与文化之间存在脱节,以及我们认为未知的方式?
答:你询问了一些需要更大的答案而不是可用的时间。但是,让我说那些拥有深刻的宗教传统的人:没有与科学的冲突,除非你从宗教传统上汲取了物理世界的本质。如果你的宗教传统纠正了人们对世界性质的说法,你必须准备好面对科学所说的,“不。这不是世界的本质。“我们可以这么说,因为我们已经进行了实验和详细观察。传统科学不会回到古代。但是从1600年代开始,有科学的方法和工具,科学应用于测试假设,试图确定什么是真实的,而不是。“科学家说世界是平的。”好吧,是的,但这是在这些方法和工具之前。冲突不是科学家剥夺教堂。 Even atheists don’t do that. The conflict is when the religious community knocks on the doors of the science classrooms to try to influence science curriculum based on religious beliefs. That’s where we have conflict. The majority of scientists in the U.S. claim to be religious, and they pray to a personal god who hears their prayers.