在屋顶电影院俱乐部的恒星下举行,这对麦尔文·瓦梅布尔郡的作家/董事/明星梅尔文·瓦(Melvin Van Pealbles)是一个深情的致敬,他在89岁时去世。“这很棒,”非洲裔美国文化首席执行官休斯顿博物馆说猜测,Jr.谁的博物馆共同介绍了HCAF的筛选。“这是一个完整的观众,这很有意思,他们与电影充满热情。”
想记得看这个前卫的,黑的nd-proud, independent film when it first hit theaters. He caught it while living in Baltimore, where he was working and campaigning for Maryland Senator Clarence Mitchell III. For Guess, the story of Van Peebles’s titular sex worker going on the lam after killing two crooked, white cops speaks to and for Black audiences now just as it did then.
在哪里:Lynn Wyatt剧院,南希和富仁大厦,美术博物馆,休斯顿,5500
“The core of the film, a lot of times, is Van Peebles running away,” he says. “In my mind, it’s a metaphor for the Black community — constantly trying to distance itself from the brutality that exists in America for people of color in our communities.”
猜猜也跟van peebles的儿子,马里奥回来了,他们出现在“switchback”中作为一个年轻的奶肩。他将继续指导“Baadasssss!”2004年的生物学,编年为“Swithback”的制作。当马里奥与电影访问美国城市时,猜测是在休斯顿筛选,与他的前健身房锻炼伙伴会面。
“When they showed the film here in Houston,” remembers Guess, “he had some skullcaps made with ‘Baadassss!’ on ‘em… And he gave me one and he looked and whispered in my ear, ‘There are only a few badasses left’.”
此周末还筛选了van Peebles的1967年首次亮相“为期三天的通行证的故事”。根据他的法语电影“La Permisies”,这部电影遵循黑色美国军队G.I.(Harry Baird)驻扎在法国,获得了为期三天的通行证,并花费大部分地用白色的法国商店店员(尼科尔伯格)。猜猜也是一个“通过”的粉丝,引用它是如何更具柔和的,传统上讲电影关于一个不确定的黑人,而不是正义,骚乱的“斯特克·斯特克”,它具有一个非常粗体的人物作为主角的人物。由于猜测简单地说:“1967年,这是一个不同的Melvin van Peebles,而不是1971年的[Peebles]。
两部电影都在全国各地的复兴屏幕上显示(在令人眼花缭乱的数字修复!),主要是因为标准收集最近发布了一款蓝雷/ DVD盒套装的van Peebles的电影,恰当地标题为“Melvin Van Peebles:必备电影”。(The set was released a week after his death.) “Sweetback” and “Story” are included, along with the 1970 studio comedy “Watermelon Man” and “Don’t Play Us Cheap,” the 1972 film version of his own Tony-winning Broadway musical. “Baadassss!” is included in the set as well.
这套彻底封装了一个大胆,突破性的非洲裔美国人的简短但黑白的电影制作职业。但是,如果你买不起这个套装,你仍然可以在他的火热器中获得van Peebles在MFAH中最好的。
Craig Lindsey是一名休斯顿的作家。