“COVID负面,甜!格兰杜契尔说,他当时正准备在1月22日参观白橡树音乐厅(White Oak Music Hall),把“禁毒战争”带出去。
A:我不这么认为。我绝对喜欢整理记录。当这首歌《我不再住在这里了》开始成型的时候,我知道我有了第一首可能是C边的歌. . . .在这首歌里一切都变了,你知道吗?也许第一面是我在思考生活、时间、欲望和其他事情。但这些歌曲是我要打破和撼动事物的肯定。
A:我想……我想这可能不是有意为之,但在记录中有一些时刻,我对事情更加具体。《活的证据》和《偶尔下雨》中关于三杆的那句话。我在努力改进这种写作方式。而不是“我,我,我,我”在我的余生中,我终于在一个我可以做得更好的水平上工作。我总是倾向于另一种写法,这样不太具体。但我认为有几首歌,甚至是主打歌都在谈论(鲍勃)迪伦;我要把它拿掉。那是我在一个地下室的小工作室里做的一个自由社团写作课。但戴夫(哈特利,贝斯手)说他喜欢这句台词。 So I thought, “Oh. Guess I shouldn’t take it out. Maybe that’s a real moment.” What might have embarrassed me before, I felt as a songwriter I could do with greater ease.
A:是的,变老,很明显,诸如此类。我并没有特别想过和孩子一起度过的不眠之夜。但你意识到你很明显地进入了一个更老的版本。我不是说我老了,但我四十出头,我有一个孩子,一个相当稳定的家庭生活。你不是在15年前的同一个地方写作。所以你感觉到了那东西,那一次。时间表都变了。当你学习如何做音乐时,你只知道一种速度,它是包罗万象的。我全心投入。我把它与进步或成功联系在一起。 Not success in music, but success in being able to work with full immersion. When all of the sudden you can’t do that, it left me a little confused. I didn’t know how to think critically about this music I’m making if I wasn’t going all in. But at the end of this record, I was able to realize this tweak in my schedule was a huge blessing. It forced me to focus on music when I had the time for it. That’s a kind of discipline I didn’t have to have before. I could just stay on Shawn’s (co-producer Everett) couch til 6 a.m. and maybe start first thing in the morning when I had lyrics ready or a guitar part. Now, it’s “No, I have two hours this afternoon.” It made me more focused in a way I thought only existed with full immersion. That affects your ideas about time, and it made the process of writing and exploring that more exciting.
答:我认为这是一个提示,当我第一次演示这首歌的时候,基本上,如果不是这20分钟,我就不会有这首歌。我们在布鲁克林的录音棚里,整个夏天我们都在那里演示。就剩一个小时了,我说,“好吧,我们收工吧。”去喝点汤什么的。”麦克(吉他手布洛赫)说:“我们还有一个小时。你没有别的东西了吗?”我仍然在想:“呃,这一切有什么意义呢?”我们去喝汤吧。”但我听了两天前我在费城做的语音备忘录。只是在原声吉他上弹奏四个和弦。 And I wanted a song where I was playing piano. So we decided to see what happened. I played those chords, and Mike did this beautiful guitar thing. I’d been playing this other thing at home, two alternating chords, for like six months. And I thought, “Oh that fits in this other thing.” So we put them together, and all of the sudden it started coming into focus. . . . I had this scratch vocal going where I just sang the words “living proof.” I knew Springsteen had a song called that. But it’s a sleeper song on a sleeper album. It wasn’t like I had a song called “Tunnel of Love.” So it was kind of a wink if you knew.