Bun B通过他的Rodeohouston H-Town接管承诺了这座城市。该阵容的特色是代表休斯顿的嘻哈遗产的十几个表演,这是在标志性旋转舞台上首次展示的。
周五晚上在NRG体育场内,BUN B和他的朋友们在各个可能的水平上分娩。这是一个人才的电动展示,也是休斯顿自豪感的令人振奋的时刻 - 很容易成为最近记忆中最好的rodeohouston表演。只是看着疯狂的步伐令人筋疲力尽。
伯爵·坎贝尔(Earl Campbell),杰夫·巴格威尔(Jeff Bagwell),沃伦·穆恩(Warren Moon)和其他体育传奇人物(Earl Campbell)的预先介绍为bun的入口定下了基调。他带领人群通过“披肩”和“你的一切”最高Burberry牛仔夹克, his first of many fits for the night.
Bun took on master of ceremony duties for most of the set, introducing acts and hyping the crowd between songs. A sense of joy emanated from his spirit. There were frequent dedications to the late DJ Screw, Fat Pat, Big Moe and Pimp C.
Slim Thug接下来是在戴着黑色牛仔帽子的“暴徒”。保罗·沃尔(Paul Wall),他的烧烤露的笑容封装在当晚,大pokey接着是“ Sittin’Sidewayz”。名人珠宝商约翰尼·丹(Johnny Dang)甚至让他的时刻发光。Slim和Paul随后链接为“仍然是Tippin”。
An unannounced Chamillionaire amped the energy even higher with “Ridin’,” a song he took to the top of the Billboard Hot 100 in 2006. It’s a deceptively joyous anthem for the disenfranchised. (“Thinkin' they'll catch me on the wrong well keep tryin'/'Cause they denyin' that it's racial profiling.”)
尽管如此,节目的中间跑步就像H-Town一样。Lil Flip充满活力的“我们的球”和“阳光”。Lil Keke俯身进入“ Southside”舞蹈。E.S.G.将其带回“ Swangin’and Bangin”。Z-RO,,穿着细条纹西装锋利,在“ Mo City Don”期间指挥舞台。以及一系列在泥土地板上游行的糖果板。
Htown有成年的R&B(“ Knockin’Boots”);弗兰基(Frankie J)和婴儿bash(“ suga suga”);还有莱托亚·卢克特(Letoya Luckett),穿着白色的华丽,刺激膝盖高的靴子,并在她优雅的“撕裂”上。卢克特(Luckett)和保罗·沃尔(Paul Wall)都在庆祝生日,都被人群小夜曲。
Geto Boys的Devin Dude和Willie D被拉起来。Tobe和Fat Nwigwe与一群舞者一起通过“ Fye Fye”指控。Bun回到了UGK经典作品结束时,最终与所有当晚的表演者一起加入。
It was, for anyone born and raised in the city, a spectacular sight to behold. And it ended too soon.
“这不是Versuz,这不是超级碗。This is the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, baby,” Bun said. He was joined onstage by his musical family for a final goodbye, and tears streamed down his face.
“我想要的就是让人们看到我们看到我们并知道我们是谁,” Bun在演出后的Instagram Live中说。任务完成。希望这种接管成为Rodeohouston的传统。