一场大流行过后,她发现自己的职业生涯充满了惊喜,她从一个场地到另一个场地、从一个城市到另一个城市的巡演中,都有不同的直播娱乐节目安排。马迪根说,她“打了三倍的疫苗,所以如果人们愿意出来,我就会去那里。”过去两年为她的节目提供了充足的素材,本周她在《你有牧场吗?》(Do You have Any Ranch?)之旅。
答:(笑)。这仍然不正常。人们说,“我们必须活下去!”我们还没有回到现实生活的部分。你知道吗?我刚在阿斯彭市一家很棒的老剧院办了场演出。他们没有让酒吧营业。他们不希望人们摘下面具。这对我的节目不合适。这不是大学巡回演讲。 We’re getting there. But it’s still weird.
答:是的,我谈论过,但我只是把我在新冠肺炎期间做的(咒骂语)事情说得很有趣。我有整整两年的时间做些有意义的事。我做了什么?我自学了用手机赌博。选秀之王,球迷对决,米高梅金像奖,我了解了我从未听说过的运动,所以我可以参加。所以我就拿我父母的行为不当开玩笑。就像一开始我在家陪奶奶一样。但奶奶在(咒骂语)赌场。猜猜谁开车送她去的?爷爷. . . . The jokes are mostly light and silly. I’m not getting into vaxx/anti-vaxx or anything like that. It’s all personal stuff so nobody can argue with it. In Columbus, a lot of people came out. But in St. Louis the other night — that’s where I’m from — they pulled a bunch of shows. I’m doing whatever I’m told. What I love is when the venues ask the performer what they want to do. I won’t say the name, but a big venue asked me what I’d like the policy to me. I’m like, “Sorry, you dialed the number of a lady who was a waitress until she decided to become a comedian.” I shouldn’t be deciding public health decrees. Don’t you have a public health department? Try the mayor’s office. Or if you want a comedian, try Dr. Ken. He’s an actual doctor who spent 185 years at Duke. He’s a real doctor. You’re going to leave this up to me and some country singer? What’s happened to us? The breakdown of who’s deciding (expletive) has gone too far. I’m willing to admit, I’m a moron on this subject matter. Why won’t they believe me? I’m telling you: I do not have any information on this. The problem is there’s no consistency. I was telling Ron White, who’s my little buddy, it’s like when you have a dream and there’s no segues. One minute you’re fishing at the pond and the next you’re at a shopping mall in the ‘80s. That’s how one day on the road seems right now. You leave a city in a serious lockdown and get to a casino gig and it’s game on, like COVID never happened there.
答:(笑)。这是完全正确的!现在我有了一个播客。我不应该说我很无聊,因为我并不无聊。我和罗恩,他几周前问我,“我们能如此无缝地退休难道不令人惊讶吗?”我说,“我知道!我对此没有问题。”但这似乎是一件值得尝试的事。如果一个青少年在地下室都能做到这一点,我当然也能学会。我想,我们就这么做,看看会不会有人听。 If they do, we’ll keep doing it. If they don’t, who cares. The machine cost like 600 bucks. I pay this guy Alan to format it, like 80 bucks an episode, which is fine. And then it got popular without me knowing what I’m doing. But it’s been fun.
A:是的,晚点了。但当你在YouTube上发布内容时,你仍然可以看到评论。我读了它们,回答了它们,然后就变成了一个来回的过程。人们开始给我发他们认为我会喜欢的文章。奇怪的事情。现在他们给节目带礼物。这变成了一段真实的关系,在这么多年的喜剧之后,这很奇怪。每隔一段时间,就会有人给我带杯黑啤酒或詹姆森啤酒。但现在会有三袋礼物。播客和单口相声有某种联系。 I don’t really understand it. The podcasts I listen to are mostly about murder — and I don’t feel a connection to murderers. Or about Elizabeth Holmes. I don’t feel connected to her.